When you try to execute any program then you might have received ntdll.dll error. Ntdll.dll is the file which has significant networking system functions and also contains NT kernel functions of your system and it is located in the c:\windows\system32 or c:\winnt\system32 directory and you can also get this file in the c:\i386 directory. When this file gets missed or corrupted then you receive this ntdll.dll error in your system screen. You have to recover this file and fix ntdll.dll error otherwise you will not be competent to run windows program correctly. If you are facing problem due to this error and unable to fix this error then no need to worry you can easily fix this error by following given below information.
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Why this ntdll.dll error occurs?
- This ntdll.dll error occurs due to the missing of ntdll.dll file from your system.
- If ntdll.dll gets corrupt then this error occurs.
- This is also due to the virus running on your PC.
- If any kind of malicious program is present or running in your system then ntdll.dll error occurs.
What are the symptoms?
"STOP: 0xC0000221 unknown hard error C:\Winnt\System32\Ntdll.dll"
"STOP: C0000221 unknown hard error \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll"
"AppName: [PROGRAM NAME] ModName: ntdll.dll"
Due to this error you will not be able to run your system program or application smoothly, always have ntdll.dll error message in your system screen. Sometimes due to this error program which you want to run fails to start.
How to fix ntdll.dll errors?
- You first of all install windows updates and when windows update process gets completed then after few minutes start scanning your installed antivirus.
- To rise above from this error you have to first check on the windows registry that ntdll.dll file is present or not. If this file is not present then install ntdll.dll file again.
- If ntdll.dll file gets corrupt then uninstall it and again install it.
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If ntdll.dll file is present and then this error occurs then use third party repair tool. This tool will find the actual reason for generating this error and takes very less time to fix this ntdll.dll error. You have to simply download this tool and install it in your system then you have to press on scan button, this will automatically fix this error without any complexity. Download this tool now and resolve your question that is how to fix my PC and prevent my PC from the occurrence of this ntdll.dll error.
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