What is Msstdfmt.dll error?
When you try to start or run program then you might have received an error message “Class not registered. You need the following file to be installed on your machine: MSSTDFMT.DLL” and you are unable to run system programs. This error generally appears while working or installing certain programs in your system. Msstdfmt.dll error occurs due to the missing of Msstdfmt.dll file. This error occurs when Msstdfmt.dll file get accidently deleted or corrupted due to some issue. You also receive this error when you try to run 2G truncation utility. If this error appears continuously on your system screen then further you have to face many system problems.
Why this error occurs?
This error occurs due to missing of Msstdfmt.dll file, the software which you want to run is outdated, incomplete installation of software, shut down of system without completing updates, virus is the main reason for occurring this type of error these are the main reasons due to which Msstdfmt.dll error occurs in your system and badly effect your system.
What are the symptoms?
Run-time Error '713': Class not Registered. You need the following file to be installed on your machine. MSSTDFMT.DLL while executing program in your system you might have receive this error message.
How to fix Msstdfmt.dll error message?
If you receive this error message while running 2G truncation utility then use these given below steps to fix it:-
If you are using Windows 2000, windows XP then try these given below steps:-
When you try to start or run program then you might have received an error message “Class not registered. You need the following file to be installed on your machine: MSSTDFMT.DLL” and you are unable to run system programs. This error generally appears while working or installing certain programs in your system. Msstdfmt.dll error occurs due to the missing of Msstdfmt.dll file. This error occurs when Msstdfmt.dll file get accidently deleted or corrupted due to some issue. You also receive this error when you try to run 2G truncation utility. If this error appears continuously on your system screen then further you have to face many system problems.
Why this error occurs?
This error occurs due to missing of Msstdfmt.dll file, the software which you want to run is outdated, incomplete installation of software, shut down of system without completing updates, virus is the main reason for occurring this type of error these are the main reasons due to which Msstdfmt.dll error occurs in your system and badly effect your system.
What are the symptoms?
Run-time Error '713': Class not Registered. You need the following file to be installed on your machine. MSSTDFMT.DLL while executing program in your system you might have receive this error message.
How to fix Msstdfmt.dll error message?
If you receive this error message while running 2G truncation utility then use these given below steps to fix it:-
- If you are using windows 98, windows ME then try these given below steps:
- Search for the file MSstdfmt.dll file in your computer.
- Once you get this file then copy it to C:\Windows\System folder.
- Then click on start button and type cmd in the run command box.
- And in the command prompt type REGSVR32 C:\Windows\System\MSSTDFMT.DLL and press enter.
- Then follow the on screen instructions and then restart your system to get the changes.
If you are using Windows 2000, windows XP then try these given below steps:-
- Do the same thing as above but have some location changes in this.
- Search for the file MSstdfmt.dll file in your computer.
- Once you get this file then copy it to C:\<windir>\System32 folder.
- Then click on start button and type cmd in the run command box.
- And in the command prompt type REGSVR32 C:\windir\System32\MSSTDFMT.DLL and hit enter.
- Then follow the on screen instructions and then restart your system to get the changes.
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