Monday, 28 April 2014

Windows error code 663- How to fix?

Windows update is the process which makes your PC work smooth and help in repairing corrupted files. When you start your system and when you find the notification to install updates then you start update your windows. But sometimes when you try to install windows update then you are unable to install windows update with error code that is 663.  If you try this to install windows update again and again then you can run multiple updates without failure but mostly it fails to load. This all happens due to the malicious software present in your system. Malicious software is the programs which damage your system files and affect your computer badly. The reason for running of malicious software in your system if you don’t keep your system properly such as delete files from windows registry, downloading of e-bay in your system, don’t update your antivirus and make problems when you try to install windows update.

What are the reasons for occurring this error?
  • Windows update error code 663 occurs due to the presence of malicious file in your system.
  • If you don’t have any security essential installed in your system then windows update error occurs.
  • If any software which you have installed in your system may be outdated or corrupted and you keep it stored in your computer then you get windows update errors.
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What are the symptoms?

“Windows Update Error Code 663 (kb951847)x86 fails to install”
Whenever you try to install windows update then you receive this error message in your on- screen windows.
Due to occurrence of this error you face many system problems such as receive error message as you start your windows, at the time of shut down you receive windows error message, you will also find that system working speed is decreasing day to day, slow PC boot.

How to fix windows update error code 663?

When you face this windows update error 663 in your system then try to remove this error and fix my PC problems immediately. And for this you have to remove all the malicious software from your system.
 You should purchase the registered and secured antivirus. You also have to update your antivirus to stop entry of virus in your system.

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If you want to fix these windows update error code 663 and also remove the entire harmful virus from your system then I give the right suggestion to use third party repair tool. This third party fixes your system problems permanently and also repairs your missed or deleted files.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Fix windows error 0X81000008

When you install windows OS in your system then you try to install or store various software’s, files, data’s in your windows hard drive.  Generally if your data is overloaded in your system or want to upgrade any new version of windows in your system then you have to format old version of windows which you have installed in your system and you try to keep a backup of your files or data’s. But sometimes when you try to perform a file backup process on windows vista then you get error 0X81000008 and backup process gets failed. This error may occur if the file which you have selected for backup may be corrupted.

Why this error occurs?

  • At the beginning you might have seen that your system performance is very fast but when there is entry of virus in your system due to various source then after that your system performance becomes slow and files in windows registry gets corrupt. So virus is the harmful program if stored in your system then damages your system entire files. 
  • It may also happen that file which you want to backup might have corrupted or damaged.
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What are the symptoms?

 When you try to perform file backup process in your windows vista then you might have received this error
Error: 0x81000008 “The backup disk has a corrupted file system. Fix it using the disk error checking tool, or choose a different backup location” and unable to back up your file.

How to windows error 0X81000008?

To fix this error you will have to verify the backup disk which creates this error or use the different backup location. To verify the backup location follow the given below steps:-
  • Click on start button and in the search box type cmd and press enter.
  • When the cmd.exe window opens from the program lists then right click on it.
  • When you right click on the cmd.exe window then list will open and from that list click on Run as Administrator.
  • If you are asked for the administrator password then type the password and click on continue button.
  • In the command prompt type the Chkdsk.exe /F /X m:  ( m: is the driver word for the backup destination) command and then press enter.
  • Then exit the cmd.exe window and again try to backup your files. This time you can easily backup your files.
If case you are unable to backup your file after following these steps. Then download third party repair tool. It will not only solve this windows error 0X81000008 but also help you to backup your files. Few days before I was also facing this error but I have fixed this windows error and also fix my PC problems when I use this third party repair tool.

How to fix Windows Update error FFFFFFFE?

When you install Microsoft windows in your system then you update windows. Windows update keeps your system safe and allows running your system smoothly and also prevents your system from becoming unstable.  You don’t have to follow long steps to install windows update its easy. But sometimes when you try to install windows update then you receive various windows update error and Windows Update error FFFFFFFE is one of them.

If you getting Windows Update error FFFFFFFE then be sure that update can’t be installed due to the problem in your system.  You receive Windows Update error FFFFFFFE due to the presence of malicious software in your system. If you are thinking to prevent your system from becoming unstable then you won’t be able to prevent your system if these windows update occurs.  You face this windows update error in all the versions of Microsoft windows OS. This windows update error is very common problem for all windows users.

Why this error occurs?

This common windows update error occurs in your system if there is presence of malicious software.
If you don’t update or scan your antivirus completely then you receive this error.
When you are downloading software’s from then websites and by mistake if you download the corrupted or software which is totally infected by virus then you receives this error.

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What are the symptoms?

"Error Code FFFFFFFE"
When you try to update windows in any of the windows version which you have installed in your system then sometimes you might have received this windows update error. And this is all because of presence of malicious software.

How to fix Windows Update error FFFFFFFE?

  • It is very much necessary to update your registered antivirus. You should always install secured and registered antivirus to prevent your system form the entry of malicious software.
  • Be careful while downloading any files, softwares in your system. 
  • Try to search the file which makes this error to occur and then delete it from your system.
  • If you face this error again and again your system then you has to uninstall your windows and again reinstall it and also have to format hard disk.

To fix Windows Update error FFFFFFFE error you have to use third party repair tool because the occurrence of this error and the presence of malicious software in your system can totally damage your system files.  Some days before I also got irritated with this windows update error but when I use this tool then I immediately fix my PC and now you should take steps to fix this error.

“Missing operating system”- How to fix?

Did you receive “missing operating system” error message in your system? When you try to start windows 2000 server in your system then you might have received an error message that is Missing operating system.  You receive this error if MBR gets corrupt because MBR is the part of the hard drive that is used by the computer to start the windows operating system. If condition MBR gets corrupt then PC is unable to start. So this windows error should be fixed immediately. If you receive any of the windows error in your system then its true that windows performance decreases which was fine before the occurrence of windows errors. Steps to fix this windows error is very necessary, if you don’t then will not be able to start your system.

Why this error occurs?

  • If your hard disk is damaged then you get this windows error message.
  • If you don’t have any security essential installed in your system then it is sure that virus will access in your computer and damage your computer data’s.
  • If MBR is corrupt or BIOS is unable to detect the hard disk then this error appears.
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What are the symptoms?

While working in your computer when you try to start windows server 2000 then you are unable to start windows server 2000 and receive either of the following error message
“Missing Operating System” 
“Operating system not found”

How to windows error message “Missing Operating System”?

To resolve this error you should check your hard drive and to check you have to work on the following given steps:-

  • Restart your computer.  When the windows turn to start press F10 function key and leave the key when the text is displayed on the your computer screen.
  • When the BIOS Setup utility appears, click on the tools menu.
  • From the tools menu, select the hard drive self test and to start the test press enter.
  • When test process gets completed and it results that no error starts your system and again start Windows server 2000.
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You can also use third party repair tool to fix this error. Third party repair tool not only fix this windows error but also removes virus, malicious software, junk files from your system. When you download this tool and install in your system then you will find that it works very fast and solve your all related windows problem. Its not the time to think try to fix this error and fix my PC immediately otherwise you know that if MBR gets corrupt then you won’t be able to start your system.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Fix windows error 3072 code

When you are running on your system then you might have received error 3072 in your windows screen.  While working on windows you might have faced different windows problems but error code 3072 is one of them which occur if any file is broken or damaged in your windows registry. Generally people try to have some changes in windows registry without having knowledge about it and this is the reason of occurring this type of error. Windows error code 3072 is very uncommon for users it rarely occurs in your system but if it occurs continuously in your system then your system performance deceases day by day and starts creating of other different errors. Don’t avoid the occurrence of this error in your system try to fix this error as soon as it possible. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, windows 8 and in all other versions of windows may create this error if you don’t maintain your system.  Now it’s time to fix my PC and prevent my PC from further damages.

Why windows error 3072 occurs?

  • There is one main reason for occurring this error is present of virus in your system.
  • If any driver or file from windows registry gets deleted then you face this error.
  • If you don’t delete junk files from your system then you receive this error.

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What are the symptoms?

When you try to start your system and run any program then you suddenly receive an error code 3072 in your system screen.  Due to this error your system performance gets slower down and when you try to open any program then you are unable to it open properly.

How to fix windows error code 3072?

  • If you see the occurrence of this error continuously in your system then updates your windows and antivirus.
  • If this error occurs in your system then try to start your system in safe mode and to do this you have to restart your system.
  • When the windows logo appears to start then before that press F8 key to open Choose Advanced options page.
  • When this advanced option page appears then select the safe mode option and then press enter. By this way you can start your computer in safe mode.

You can also use third party repair tool. Third party repair too is the powerful tool which will fix this windows error code 3072 easily.
You just have to download it and save it to your system and then install it.

How to fix windows Isass.exe error?

When you are trying to update your password then you might have faced Isass.exe error. When the file gets missing from your windows registry then you face many other system errors. Isass.exe error is the error which occurs due to the missing of Isass.exe file. Presence of Isass.exe file in windows handles the security and security related policies, active directory management and authority domain authentication of your system and it is located in c:\windows\system32 or c:\winnt\system32 directory. Isass.exe file is the important file which should be present in your system if it gets missed then you won’t be able to execute program properly. Isass.exe file is present in all the versions of windows operating system and if any condition this file gets corrupts then you will receive the same error message on your windows operating system that you have installed in your system.

What are the reasons for occurring Isass.exe error?

  • Isass.exe error may occur due to the missing of Isass.exe file.
  • If due to some issue Isass.exe file gets corrupt then you receive this error.
  • Virus, if stored in your system then you receives this Isass.exe error.
  • When you don’t update your windows and antivirus then you face Isass.exe error.

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What are the symptoms?
  • While working in your system and try to update your password sometimes you might have received Isass.exe error.
  • When you start windows you receive error message continuously in your windows screen.
  • Unable to start a program or an application properly.

How to fix Isass.exe error?
  • When you face this error in your system then go the windows registry setting and search for the Isass.exe file and uninstall it. Then again reinstall it in your system by using windows installation CD or download it form website.
  • You should have proper updates for windows. Generally it happens that you shut down your system without completing the total process of windows update.
  • Remove all the junk files which are present in your system. And also uninstall the software which is outdated and reinstall the latest version of it.
  • Have a licensed and secured antivirus and keep scanning your antivirus so that you PC must be safe from dangerous virus. 

Few days before I was also facing this error but when I use this third party repair tool then I have easily fix my PC.  I you also want to fix this error without taking any risk and don’t want to make it appear again in your system then use third party repair tool. Now its your turn to fix this windows Isass.exe error and recover Isass.exe file.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

How to fix mscomctl.ocx error?

When you try to start program in windows then sometimes you might have seen that it is unable to open or run properly such as image list, list view, slider etc and receive an mscomctl.ocx error on your computer screen. Why this happens and is this irritating for you?  Missing of mscomctl.ocx file is reason for occurring all these above issues. Basically mscomctl.ocx file is an Active control module which carries common controls instructed by windows like image list, list view, slider, toolbar, progress bar, tree view controls. Mscomctl.ocx file is also one of the important file which should be present in your system windows registry. You may find several issues for occurring this error. We need to fix this error.

What makes this error to occur?
  • When mscomctl.ocx file get missing from your system then you will receive this error.
  • Mscomctl.ocx also gets damaged due to the storage of virus in your system. 
  • If you don’t use system in proper manner then you face such type of problem.
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What are the symptoms?

When you try to run a program in your system then you face mscomctl.ocx error and can’t run program properly.

How to fix mscomctl.ocx error?

Following are the given below precautions which will help you to prevent from the occurrence of this mscomctl.ocx error:-
  • Virus is not default set in your system it enters to your system by using external peripheral devices, downloading of e- bay form internet and many more reasons due to which you get virus in your system. To fight with virus there are available security essentials in the market or in internet. So purchase the registered and total security antivirus and keep regular updating it.
  • Windows update is also necessary because it detects the unwanted software and display on your screen that what is the problem in your system.  So you should also update your windows properly. Make sure that don’t close your system without completing updates because you may face any new third problem to your system.
  • Windows registry is the most important part of your system if any changing is done which knowing about it then you face this above error.
  • Uninstall the mscomctl.ocx file and reinstall it again by using windows installation CD or through Microsoft website.
These above instructions are the precautions which will help you to alert from the occurrence of this error.
Start your steps now to fix this error and fix my PC from this mscomctl.ocx error.

Easy way to fix “alcxwdm.inf not found” error message

Are you facing windows error “alcxwdm.inf not found” in your system?

Windows users face many problems while working on its system. This is not a fault of windows operating system, actually this is fault of users because any small changing in windows registry can make this error to occur. “Alcxwdm.inf not found” is also one of the windows error. This error occurs due the missing of Alcxwdm.inf driver.  If this alcxwdm.inf driver get corrupt or move from its original location then you receive the same error message. Alcxwdm.inf driver allows your computer to communicate with hardware. Windows Vista, windows XP, windows 7, windows 8 OS face this error.

Reason for occurring this error:-

  • If Alcxwdm.inf driver gets missing then you get this error.
  • A virus running on your computer occur this error.
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What are the symptoms?

When you try to start any program then you are unable to execute it properly and system returns back to you an error message “alcxwdm.inf not found” which is displayed in your screen.

How to fix error message “alcxwdm.inf not found”?

  1.  Try to remove all the junk files from your system.
  2. Don’t allow anyone to use your windows registry because any small change can make you to face big system problems. Try avoiding teasing in windows registry settings otherwise you very well know the reason.
  3. You should have install secured and registered antivirus in your system and don’t forget it to update it monthly and also scan it regularly. 
  4. If you face this error then start your system in safe mode.
  5. If you receive this error then uninstall the corrupted driver from its location and reinstall it again.
  6.  Or follow the given below steps to install alcxwdm.inf manually:-
  • Search for the file in your system and then copy alcxwdm.inf in your system directory. If you have 64 bit version of windows then paste it to this location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
  •  Then reboot your computer.
  •  If even after following given above steps you receive this error then go to start and type cmd in run command box and press enter.
  • In the Cmd type regsvr32 alcxwdm.inf and press enter.
  • By the way third party repair tool will be the best way to solve this error. If you use third party repair tool then you can easily fix this alcxwdm.inf error.

 Few days before I was also facing “alcxwdm.inf not found” and unable to perform my system applications properly but today I had fixed my PC by using this tool and now its your turn to fix my PC.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

How to fix error code 0x80072ee4 in windows 8?

Are you working on windows 8? Then sometimes you might have received an error code 0x80072ee4 and won’t be able to start a program. Also you receive this error when you try to install updates for windows. Windows users face many different problems while updating windows. You receive this error due to certain reasons such as missing of dll file, use your system very roughly etc. If you receive this windows error code 0x80072ee4 in your system then try to fix it as soon as possible otherwise your system has face many other problems. This error not only occurs in windows 8 but also it affects in windows vista, windows XP, windows 7 etc.  Don’t be frustrate with this error you can fix error easily if you follow the given below guidelines.

What makes this error to occur?

  • If a file gets corrupted in windows registry then you receive windows error code 0x80072ee4.
  • If your system is totally covered with virus then no doubt you have to face this type of error to your system.
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What are the symptoms?

Error code 0x80072ee4, you receive this when you try to update windows or while running a program.

How to fix error code 0x80072ee4?

Presence of this error in your system reports that a file in your windows registry gets corrupt. So you have to first delete or uninstall the corrupted registry file and for this follow the given below manual steps:-

  • Click on start button, then open run command box.
  • In the run command box type regedit and then press enter.
  • When the windows regedit page opens then select the following keys 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2 and delete them.

  • When you asked for the question to confirm the deletion of each key then click on yes button.

And after performing this above tasks reinstall TCP/IP, see the reinstalling process:-

  • Go to start button and in the run command box type ncpa.cpl and then hit enter.
  • Select the Internet connection option and then right click on it.
  • Then select properties option and then click on Install option.
  • From the Select Network Component Type option, click on protocol and then click on Add tag.
  • From the Select Network Protocol option, click on Have disk option.
  •  Then type C:\Windows\inf in the Install From Disk dialog box and press enter.
  • You will receive lists and from that lists select and click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click ok and restart your system.

You can also use third party repair tool to fix this error code 0x80072ee4. When I follow the given above guidelines then I had easily fix my PC and now it’s your turn to fix our PC.

Fix Dfs.sys Error

What is Dfs.sys Error?

Dfs.sys Error occurs due to the missing of Dfs.sys file from your system. The full form of Dfs is distributed file system which gives permission to the administrator to group the shared folders from different servers by connecting them to one or more DFS. If files are stored in different servers located by the administrator then it makes difficult and confusion for the people where to watch for the information. You can say simply that DFS is the process which moves or transfer data from the one file server to another. It also keeps a proper track to all the servers and the entire people who uses the servers. If this DFS file gets corrupt then administrator has to face serious problem in keeping the track of all the servers and all the people use these servers and it also creates problem for users when dfs file gets corrupted.

Why this error occurs?

  • When Dfs.sys file get missing from your system then you receive this error.
  • When your Dfs.sys file gets corrupted or damaged then you receive this error.
  • Virus is very harmful for your system because it damages your system files.
  • Keeping improper maintenance of your system can corrupt your driver files from your system.

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What are the symptoms?

You receive one of the following error messages when your Dfs.sys file gets corrupted:-

The dfs.sys cannot be opened.
The dfs.sys Windows runtime error.
The dfs.sys at "0x059a3kf" referenced memory could not be written.
This application has failed to start to run on Windows because dfs.sys cannot be found.
When you start windows and when windows logo appears then you receive an error message on your system screen.

How to fix Dfs.sys Error?

  • You should keep scan all the drivers by using secured antivirus and also update it regularly.
  • Update your windows.
  • Should not tease windows registry settings, because any changing in windows registry settings can create problems to your system.
  •  When your Dfs.sys file gets corrupted then uninstall it and again reinstall it.
  • C:Windows\System32\drivers from this location you can  uninstall or delete corrupted Dfs.sys file.
  • Best solution for this is to use third party repair tool. From my point of view third party repair tool is the best option for solving windows problems.

If you don’t have start working on to fix this Dfs.sys error then don’t be late start from now on-wards to fix my PC problems.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Fix error code 0xc004f074 in windows 8

Windows users face many different problems while working on his system. You might have also received errors in your system when you try to install a program or an application in your system. There are several reasons to face windows problems or errors in your system. Error code 0xc004f074 is one of the errors which occurs while installing a program in your system. You receive error message in this format “Error code 0xc004f074: The Key Management Server (KMS) is unavailable. The software licensing service reported the product could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could not be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information” on your PC screen. This error occurs if any file from windows registry may be accidently deleted or a file may get corrupt. You receive this error occasionally in windows 7 and windows 8. Error code 0xc004f074 appears only during the time of activation when the Software Licensing Service reports that it cannot activate the product key.

Why makes this error to occur?

If your computer having virus stored in it then you face this error code 0xc004f074.
  • Changes in settings of windows registry keys.
  • Improper shut down of your system.
  • Shut down of the system without completing windows update.
  • Shut down of the system without closing the programs that you are running.
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What are the symptoms?

When you try to install a program or an application then you might have received an error message
“Error code 0xc004f074: The Key Management Server (KMS) is unavailable. 
“The software licensing service reported the product could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could not be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information” on your PC screen. If this error occurs then you are unable to install a program in your system and unable to run a program properly in your system.

How to error code 0xc004f074 in windows 8?

To fix this error code follow the given below steps:-
  • Click on start button and type cmd in run command box and then press enter.
  • In the command prompt type slmgr.vbs –ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx (x should be replaced by your 25 digit product key) and press enter.
  • Again type slmgr.vbs –ato, this command will change the product key and press enter.
  • Then restart your computer.
You can also use this method to fix  this error code:-
  • Run the  SFC scan to fix this error code and to this follow the given below steps:-
  • In the command prompt type sfc/scannow and press enter.

You can also use third party repair tool to fix error code 0xc004f074. Don’t think start working on that how to fix my PC from this error code 0xc004f074.

Fix error code d0000011

What is error code d0000011?

Sometimes it happens that when you try to download applications like games, audio, videos etc on your windows phone then you receive an error code d0000011 and unable to install applications on your windows phone. Why this problem occurs and where from its origin? This type of question gets arising in your mind and you try to get many ideas to solve or overcome from this situation but you won’t. I was also facing this same problem but today  Actually this error occurs due to the missing of file from your windows registry settings. If you don’t keep your system or windows phone properly then you face this type of error. This error you may receive due to various reasons. If you are one of the victims of this error then you should to fix it immediately instead of avoiding it. This error can create serious problem if you don’t manage it to fix it timely.I can fix my PC problems easily after following the given below instructions.

Why this error occurs?

You receive this error message due to several reasons such as:-

  • When you try to download a file from sight may be not downloaded completely.
  • If your system is totally infected by virus then you face this type of problems.
  • Software which you have installed in your system may be outdated.
  • Incomplete updates of windows.
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What are the symptoms?

When you try to download an application in your windows phone then you might have received error code d0000011. Error code d0000011 reports that you are unable to install an application in your system.

How to fix error code d0000011?
  1. You need to update your antivirus regularly.
  2. Your system or windows phone should be maintained propely.
  3. Uninstall the software which creates this problem and reinstall it in your system.
  4. If this error occurs then reset your windows phone
  • Then create different ID of windows and again reset your windows phone and add your old I ID which you have created before.
  • Now install the applications which you want.
  • If this error has  affected your system or windows phones badly then you have to uninstall your windows OS and again reinstall it but this happens in rare case. 

You don’t take tension because you can easily overcome from this situation if your use the third party repair tool. Third party tool will easily with windows problems immediately.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Fix vsview6.ocx error

What is vsview6.ocx error?

It happens with you sometimes that when you try to start your computer or open a program or an application in your system then you might have received an vsview6.ocx error on your system. Usually this error occurs when you are working on your system. This error occurs due to missing of vsview6.ocx file from your system. Vsview6.ocx is a file that is required while running the programs in your system and this file is located in "C:\Windows"\, C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files\Common Files\, C:\WINDOWS\system32.” If this file gets corrupt or damaged then you are unable to run or execute program automatically.

What makes this error to occur?

You receive this vsview6.ocx error in your system due to various reasons:-

  • Dll file may be missing.
  • Dll file may be corrupted or damaged due to some issue.
  • Presence of virus in your system makes this error to occur.
  • Dll file may be overwritten by an incompatible version.
  • Hardware drivers may be outdated.
  • Invalid windows registry entries. 
  • Windows registry files may be corrupted.
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What are the symptoms?

"[file name] is not loading" or
"Cannot load [file name]. Reinstalling this application may fix this error." or
"This application failed to start because the file was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." Or 
"Registration: Failed for file C:\WINDOWS\System32\[file name]" or
"Cannot find the required file in \Windows\System32\" you receive one of the following error message due to several other causes.

  • Due to this error your system performance gets slower.
  • Program as well as system gets crashes.
  • System fails to install or uninstall a program.
  • You receive BSOD error on your computer.

How to fix vsview6.ocx error?

When you receive this error then try to start your computer in safe mode and to this follow the given below steps:-
  • Close all the programs and then restart your system.
  • Before Windows logo appears click on F8 function key.
  • Then click on Advanced Boot Options.
  • Under the Advanced boot options click on safe mode and press enter.
You can also use this manual steps:-
  • Click on start button and type restore in the search box and then press enter.
  • When the program lists appear then click on the system restore option.
  • Then click on system restore center option and from there select one of the file which creates vsview6.ocx error.
  • And follow the on screen instructions to fix vsview6.ocx error.
  • Then restart your system to get the changes. 
You can also use third party repair tool to fix windows vsview6.ocx error. Earlier I was also facing this error but now I can easily fix my PC by following given above instructions.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Solutions to fix comctl32.ocx error

What is comctl32.ocx error?

While working in your system and when you try to start a program or an application then you might have received comctl32.ocx error in your system screen. You receive this error due to the missing of comctl32.ocx file from your system. This error generally occurs due to the missing of files in windows registry keys. Comctl32.ocx file is instead by the PR-Tracker setup program so you receive this error during setup. All the versions of windows operating system can be affected by comctl32.ocx error. Due to this error you are unable to run or execute a program.

Why this error occurs?

You receive this error due to several reasons such as missing of comctl32.ocx fie from your system, comctl32.ocx file may be corrupted or damaged due to some issue, Virus present your system makes this error to occur, unable to install windows update completely these are the main reasons due to which you receive this error on your system.

What are the symptoms?

When you try to start your system or run a program in your system then you might have received comctl32.ocx error message in your PC screen and unable to run or execute a program.
Due to this error your system gets freezing, system startup problems, always receives an error message o your windows screen while working on your system.

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How to fix comctl32.ocx error?

  1. Keep proper updating of windows OS that you have instead in your system.
  2. Keep scanning your antivirus so that your system prevents from entry of dangerous virus.
  3. Keep proper maintenance of windows registry files which is the most important part of your system.
  4. Verify if the comctl32.ocx file is present in C:\windows\system32 folder or not. If condition you don’t find file in this location then you can try re-registering this file and to this follow the given below steps:-
  • Click on start button and type cmd in the run command box.
  • When the windows new page appears then right click on the cmd command and then select and click “ Run as Administrator.”
  • Type regsvr32 comctl32.ocx and hit enter and follow the on screen given instructions.
  • Then restart your computer to get the changes and try to run a program.

If you are unable to follow these above given manual steps then use third party repair tool which will solve your problems easily. Earlier I was also facing this same problem but today I can fix my PC by following given above instructions.

Fix Windows error code 22- The device is disabled.

What is windows error code22?

Sometimes it happens that when you have plugged in the USB wire for your new scanner then you receive an error code 22 in your windows screen and unable to connect it with your system. You try your best to solve this problem but unable to do this. Let me introduce to this error. Windows error code 22 is a device manger error. Error code 22 reports that the device causing the problems is simply disabled in the device manager. Device driver is the most important utility for administrative driver management and maintenance. You receive device manager errors by the drivers of the parent device causing this error. When this error occurs then devices which you want to connect are recognized but unable to load.

What are reasons for occurring of windows error code 22?
  • You receive this windows error code 22 because of following reasons:
  • The driver which you want to install may be outdated.
  • The driver gets missing due to some issue.
  • The driver may be corrupt or damaged.
  • Previous attempt to update the driver may be failed.
  • Shut down of your system without completing updates of driver.
  • The device may be disabled.
  • This error may occur due to the improper maintenance of system. 
  • Invasion of virus in your system may corrupt your system driver file.
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What are the symptoms?

When you try to connect a device in your system and try to install it then you receive an error code 22 message. Due to this error you are unable to connect device in your system.

How to fix windows error code 22?

I have also received this error but unable to fix my PC,So I need some indications that how to remove this error code 22.
  • Update your antivirus so that virus cannot damage your system files.
  • Try to uninstall outdated drivers and re-install the attest version of driver file in your system.
  • Fix this issue by removing the device in the Device manager and then go through the new hardware wizard in the control panel and to do this :
  • Click on start button and from the programs lists click on control panel.
  • Click on the hardware and sound option and get the changes which you want.

You can also use third party repair tool which will help you to fix this windows error code from your system and make better your PC performance.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Fix Windows Activation error code 0X80070426

Sometimes you might have observed that when you try to start windows then you are unable to start and receive an error message in your PC screen. This error occurs when your system has overloaded with many different softwares. This error also occurs when your system is not properly maintained, if you have junk files stored in your system then you have to face these types of problems. This error is not very critical but it can become critical if it appears continuously in your system.

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Why this error occurs?

  • Due to presence of overloaded files in your system.
  • Virus present in your system can makes this error to occur.
  • If your system having junk files stored in it then you face this issue.
  • Installation of windows updates may not be completed properly.
  • Outdated software present in your system.
  • Incomplete uninstalling of program.

What are the symptoms?

When you try to run a program or an application then you might have received windows activation error code 0X80070426 message in your system screen.

How to fix  windows activation error code 0X80070426?

  • First you need to close all the programs that you are working currently and also remove all the floppy disks, CD, and DVD from your system. And then restart your system.
  • As the computer restarts press the F8 function key but you should press F8 function key before windows logo starts. If condition windows logo appears and then again restart your computer and try to press F8 function key before windows logo appears.
  • If you are prompted with a question that your computer has more than one operating system then select the operating system which you want to start in safe mode and again press F8 key.
  • In the Advanced Boot options, select and click the Safe mode with command prompt option and then hit enter.
  • You need to logon to your computer with the administrator account and password.
  • In the command prompt type services.msc and then press enter.
  • When the services.msc page appears then from the lists of services locate the Software licensing option.
  • Then right click it select the Properties option.
  • Change Startup type and then click ok.
  • Select the Software Licensing option again and then click Restart the service option.
  • Or you can simply restart the computer after following given above steps.
  • You can also use third party repair tool to fix windows activation error code 0X80070426.

By following these given steps I can fix my PC easily and now its your turn to start working on it to fix your PC and make your system error free.

Easy way to fix windows update error 0x80248015

Windows update error 0x80248015 is very common error. You may generally receive this error while updating windows. Windows update error occurs when your windows registry key have some file missing or corrupted due to some issue. Windows update error 0x80248015 reports that you are unable to update windows or run any system programs. This error almost appears in all the versions of windows operating system. You should try to fix this windows update error 0x80248015 immediately because it can seriously damage your system files even your operating system. So, you don’t avoid the occurrence of this error try to overcome from this error instantly. Earlier I was also facing this same problem but today I can fix my PC by following given below instructions.

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Why windows update error 0x80248015 occurs?

Windows update error 0x80248015 occurs due improper maintenance  of windows registry files.

  • If your system is fully affected by virus then you receive windows update problems.
  • Incomplete installation of program in your system.
  • Incomplete un-installation program in your system.
  • Improper adjustment of system date and time.
  • Program that you have installed may be outdated.
  • Shut down of your system without closing all the programs.
  • Incomplete updates of windows.

What are the symptoms?

When you try to install windows update then you might have received this windows update error 0x80248015 in your system.

Due to this error you are unable to update windows, system start up problems, shut down of system takes longer time, while running a program or an application you always receives an error message.

How to fix windows update error 0x80248015?

  1. You should not shut down your system when your windows are not completely updated.
  2. Should maintain your windows registry keys or files.
  3. Regularly updates your antivirus that you have installed in your system. If you don’t update your antivirus then your system gets totally affected by virus which damage your system files as well as windows operating system.
  4. Check for the program which creates this issue and uninstall it and re-install it again.
  5. Check your system date and time is correct or not.
  • Right click the clock which is located at the bottom of the windows screen.
  • Click Adjust Date and Time and change the date and time if it is not correct.
  • Click the Time Zone tab and click apply option if you have changed the time zone.
  • Then click the Internet tab and then click update now option.
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 You can also use third party repair tool to fix windows update error 0x80248015.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Fix error message “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006)”

While working on system when you try to start windows programs or an application then you might have received an error message “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006)” and unable to access or run program. Presence of this error reports that you are unable to perform any kind of applications that you have installed in your system. Due to this error sometimes you are unable to start windows and face many other system problems. This error can occur in your system due to many different issues. You need to fix it immediately.

Why this error occurs?

When you try doesn’t have proper maintenance of windows registry files makes this error to occur.
Virus present in your system makes this error to occur.
Many times it happens that when you update windows then you shut down your system without completing updates.
Unnecessary programs are loaded in your system.

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What are the symptoms?

ERROR 0XC0000006: STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR. You receive this error message when the instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx . The required data was not placed into memory because of an default facility code.
Due to this error your system gets restarts automatically, system performance gets slower down, even you have your system startup problems, when you start windows then you receive an error message, sometimes you are unable to run programs or an application that you have installed in your system.

How to fix this error?

 Earlier I was also facing this same error but today I can fix my PC by following given below instructions and you its your turn to follow given below instructions and remove windows error 0xc0000006 from your system.
Manual steps to fix error 0xc0000006 are quite work and may not be successful but you should keep all these given below instructions in your mind and also follow it:

  • Keep your windows registry with proper maintenance because if you tease it you have to face many system problems.
  • If you have installed antivirus in your system then you need to update it regularly.
  • You are having windows update facility so updates your windows as well as software that you have installed.
  •  If this error has affected seriously then you have to uninstall your windows OS system but before this situation occurs use third party repair tool. To overcome form this situation you can also use third party repair tool to fix windows error 0xc0000006. 

Solutions to fix classpnp.sys boot error.

When you try to start windows then you might have received classpnp.sys boot error and unable to start windows. You face this error due to corrupted or damaged classpnp.sys file or may be accidently deleted due to some issues. Classpnp.sys is the most important file or you can say it is one of the important parts of your system that is used for SCGI devices. If this file gets corrupted then you are unable to start windows and appears blue screen of error message while startup windows. You should be careful to these problems.  This error you receive in all the versions of windows operating system.


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What makes this error to occur?

You receive this error message due to several reasons such as:-
  • If your classpnp.sys file get missing.
  • Classpnp.sys file may be corrupted or damaged.
  • Invasion of virus in your system can damage your system files as well as your system completely.
  • If your software is outdated or incompatible driver is installed then you receive this error.
  • Improper maintenance of your computer or laptop makes this type of error to occur.
What are the symptoms?

When you try to start windows then you receive classpnp.sys boot error message in your system.
Due to this error your system appears blue screen of death error message, system takes longer time to start windows, you are unable to run or execute a program or an application.

How to fix classpnp.sys boot error?

If you receive this error message in your system then follow the given below instructions:-
  1. First you should have proper maintenance of your system.
  2. Maintenance of windows registry file should be done because it the most important part of your system.
  3. Antivirus should be updates regularly so that you can prevent your system form dangerous virus.
  4. If your classpnp.sys file gets corrupted then uninstall the file and reinstall it again.
  5. Use the windows installation CD.
  • Insert the windows installation CD in your CD/DVD drive and restart your computer.
  • When the windows screen appears then search for the file which your system gets missing and try to install it again in your system.
     6. You can also download classpnp.sys file form internet and install in your system.

To fix this error manually is quite difficult task but you can use the most easy and automatic way to fix this error and recover your classpnp.sys file. Download third party repair tool to fix this windows error. I can easilfix my PC when I use third party repair tool and then start following given above instructions. Really today my system is free from errors.